Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Around the House

I thought I would add some updated pics of Kolton for those of you who haven't seen him in awhile. In the last few months, he has turned into quite a chunker...if you've been around him lately, you can attest to that fact. I've had to start adding weights to my workout routine at the gym just to carry him around (I'm just kidding...sort of). As I was posting these pics, I realized I need to get the camera back out, because even these are at least a month old. Anyway, there will be more to come soon...

He is such a ham...everytime I pull out the camera he starts laughing and, well, doing this. (You can't really tell, but he has six teeth)

This is his new trick ~ Carrying things around in his mouth with his teeth. He's just starting to learn how in this pic, but now he can crawl like a madman and still keep whatever he's holding onto in his mouth.

Old blue eyes...

Talk about a sin nature...He KNOWS he's not allowed to play with the tv remote, but as I came around the corner into the living room, look what I found him doing...You can tell by the look on his face he know's he's caught. I just happened to have my camera handy.


sarah lauren said...

aww...Jen, he is so precious!! I am excited about your blog. I just started the whole blog thing myself...not too good at it, but I don't have a lot of time to make it pretty. I look forward to reading all about the Bartletts :)

Love ya,

Jake and Amy Burkholder said...


This great! Kolton is so cute! I hope that you enjoy your blog, it is a lot of fun. Have a great day!

Amy Burkholder

Stephen Troell said...

Welcome to the internet revolution--blogging! We love it. Keep the photos and post coming!!!

-The Troell Clan