As hectic as our life has been recently, I haven't had much to post until now. Just this past weekend we moved our things to West Virginia in preparation for Tommy working at Maranatha Baptist Church as Assistant Pastor. Because I'm counting down the days until Karleigh (yes, we finally decided on a name!!) is born, I didn't want to change doctors this late in the game, we decided to go ahead and move our things to WV and just stay with my parents- who live close to my doctor- until she is born in July. Tommy will work part time in WV and come back to stay with us the rest of the week. Not the best set up, but anything is workable for a month, at least I hope it is! Of course, with my being eight months along, Tommy is probably happy about the arrangement!!
As you can tell by my other posts, I'm not the greatest picture person...I always either forget my camera or let the battery die or take a blurry know what I mean, but Tommy did just get me a new camera for Mother's Day, so hopefully I'll have some lovely pictures soon, but for now I did want to add some of our Easter pictures...
A rare shot of the whole family (I usually stay on the other side of the camera when I'm pregnant!) Oh, and you can tell what kind of day Kolton is having :)

Kolton enjoying his Easter treats
Kolton with his "quack quack"

Hey! This is pretty neat. My cousin has two children and they are named Colton and Karleigh. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well! We'll be praying for you!
I love his outfit...sweater vests are the best! You look great! I love her name, too, so pretty.
Can't wait to see the new little one arrive. Kolton has really grown since the last pictures.
Love the name you picked out. You look beautiful as always!
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