Monday, October 29, 2007
We're moving!!!
After weeks and weeks of praying and seeking God's will, it's official...we're moving! And I could not be more excited!! Now, don't get me wrong, I love my church family and will miss them very much, but after 2 long years of being 10 hours away from our family, we're happy to be getting closer (I know for some of you, 10 hours isn't that far, but it felt like an eternity to this girl!) We have known about the move for a couple of weeks, but just told the church this past Sunday ~ that is why we had to be hush-hush about it (of course, Pastor knew ahead of time). There are tentative plans for next year, but for now, we are moving to Tennessee! Tommy has a couple of classes he wants to take at Crown, and last year some friends of ours started a church just 10 minutes from where we'll be living, so we're going to go and help them out in their ministry. Best of all, I'll only be living 30 minutes from my mom :o) The only bad thing I can forsee is that I'll get used to having my parents around again, and then we'll be off to a different place. But, I'm going to enjoy it while I can! Thank you all for praying for us...and keep it up! Tommy will be needing to find a job, but since my parents are in the area, they have been keeping an eye out for one, and do have a couple of leads...just pray that one of them works out. And, as you can see from the pictures, I need your prayers during the move. For those of you who don't know me all that well, I am somewhat of a neat/clean freak (it runs in my family...if you know them, you can testify to that!) Anyway, this mess is about to drive me bananas! Kolton doesn't know what to think, he just keeps running around and around hitting the boxes and pulling out stuff that I just packed. He's even learned how to tear off the packing tape. Well, I'm now in the midst of trying to organize the chaos, so I must go...Moving tips anyone???

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Please Pray...
Things have been so hectic in the Bartlett family these past few weeks! I have started working part time at our school ~Teaching K-4 afternoon class (all girls!!). Plus, I still have Kolton in the room with me (what was I thinking saying yes???) So, needless to say, I don't have much spare time for blogging anymore! On a serious note, Tommy and I are earnestly praying about some big decisions we have to make in the immediate future...I can't go into specifics at this present time, but we would really appreciate your prayers!!! Sometimes in life everything is so black and white it's easy to distinguish the decision we should make, and sometimes it's so gray that it's hard to know what to do. Like Pastor Sexton says...we're trying to choose between the good and the best! Hopefully, I can go into more details soon...Until then, please keep us in your prayers!
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