This evening was nothing out of the ordinary...Tommy had a youth activity, but since Kolton hasn't been feeling well the last couple of days, we decided it would be best for Kolton and I to just hang out at home this time. So, after Tommy left, we played a little bit with the new train set Mamaw Bartlett got for him, then we watched
Reba (something that we definitely only get to do when Dad's gone!), and after that it was snack time...we had Chinese for supper, and you know how that doesn't stick to your ribs very long! So, as usual, I sat Kolton up on the counter and he "helped" me make our graham cracker and peanut butter and strawberry cream cheese snacks (he loves them...and so do I!) As we were working, I couldn't help but think about how often I take these little moments for granted. I had to stop right there and thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given me in my life. A wonderful husband and a healthy son, good food to eat, a nice home to live in...and the list goes on and on. I get to live these little moments every day, and so often I'm busy rushing around doing work, that I don't take the time to dwell on them and really, truly enjoy them! So, that's what I'm doing tonight ~ as my sweet little boy is asleep in his room, and my precious husband just called from the activity to say "I love you", I'm taking the time to dwell on and thank the Lord for the little moments that make up my wonderful life.