Saturday, November 17, 2007
A little update
Well, we did make it to Tennessee safe and sound. It has been such a whirlwind two weeks. A couple days after we made it to our new home, we had to pack back up for a trip to Chattanooga for Tommy's cousin's wedding. We got back home on Saturday night, and had to take Kolton to the emergency room on Sunday. He woke up around midnight trying to cry, but not being able to because he couldn't breathe. I have never been so scared in my life. Thank the Lord my mom and dad were close enough to rush over to check on him. After we had him up for a few minutes he calmed down enough to breathe, but he was still really struggling, so we decided to take him on to the hospital (and for those of you who have ever seen my bedhead hair, you know what a treat those doctors were in for :0) He ended up having the flu/croup, and after a couple of breathing treatments he was okay, but they still had to keep him there for a few hours for observation. Thankfully, he is fully recovered now. Needless to say, my poor house hasn't gotten the attention it has needed...we unpacked what we needed and threw (literally) the rest of the boxes in the spare bedroom to tend to at a later date...I've gone to WalMart about 10 times buying something I know I have but can't find in the mass of boxes...although my favorite shoes are in there somewhere, and they, at least at this point,have been irreplaceable. Oh the woes of moving!
Monday, October 29, 2007
We're moving!!!
After weeks and weeks of praying and seeking God's will, it's official...we're moving! And I could not be more excited!! Now, don't get me wrong, I love my church family and will miss them very much, but after 2 long years of being 10 hours away from our family, we're happy to be getting closer (I know for some of you, 10 hours isn't that far, but it felt like an eternity to this girl!) We have known about the move for a couple of weeks, but just told the church this past Sunday ~ that is why we had to be hush-hush about it (of course, Pastor knew ahead of time). There are tentative plans for next year, but for now, we are moving to Tennessee! Tommy has a couple of classes he wants to take at Crown, and last year some friends of ours started a church just 10 minutes from where we'll be living, so we're going to go and help them out in their ministry. Best of all, I'll only be living 30 minutes from my mom :o) The only bad thing I can forsee is that I'll get used to having my parents around again, and then we'll be off to a different place. But, I'm going to enjoy it while I can! Thank you all for praying for us...and keep it up! Tommy will be needing to find a job, but since my parents are in the area, they have been keeping an eye out for one, and do have a couple of leads...just pray that one of them works out. And, as you can see from the pictures, I need your prayers during the move. For those of you who don't know me all that well, I am somewhat of a neat/clean freak (it runs in my family...if you know them, you can testify to that!) Anyway, this mess is about to drive me bananas! Kolton doesn't know what to think, he just keeps running around and around hitting the boxes and pulling out stuff that I just packed. He's even learned how to tear off the packing tape. Well, I'm now in the midst of trying to organize the chaos, so I must go...Moving tips anyone???

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Please Pray...
Things have been so hectic in the Bartlett family these past few weeks! I have started working part time at our school ~Teaching K-4 afternoon class (all girls!!). Plus, I still have Kolton in the room with me (what was I thinking saying yes???) So, needless to say, I don't have much spare time for blogging anymore! On a serious note, Tommy and I are earnestly praying about some big decisions we have to make in the immediate future...I can't go into specifics at this present time, but we would really appreciate your prayers!!! Sometimes in life everything is so black and white it's easy to distinguish the decision we should make, and sometimes it's so gray that it's hard to know what to do. Like Pastor Sexton says...we're trying to choose between the good and the best! Hopefully, I can go into more details soon...Until then, please keep us in your prayers!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ok, so I don't know why my last few posts have been centered around food, but anyway...After talking to my mother on the phone the other day, I decided it was time to start teaching Kolton to feed himself. Thinking of the mess that was sure the follow this decision, I was hesitant...but my mom brought to my attention that he was over a year old, and the mess wasn't going to get any less as he got older, so I might as well get it over with. He has been feeding himself with his fingers for a long time, but still, I was surprised at how coordinated he was at getting the spoon in his mouth (some could say it is a talent genetically passed down from his parents :o) Needless to say, he very much enjoyed eating his Dannon yogurt by himself, and I've noticed that since we've started with that, there's no going back...chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, oatmeal...he thinks he should be feeding himself everything...
Close up of the messiness...he's taking this feeding thing very seriously!!
As you can see, he really does love food! :o)

Friday, September 7, 2007
It's the little moments
This evening was nothing out of the ordinary...Tommy had a youth activity, but since Kolton hasn't been feeling well the last couple of days, we decided it would be best for Kolton and I to just hang out at home this time. So, after Tommy left, we played a little bit with the new train set Mamaw Bartlett got for him, then we watched Reba (something that we definitely only get to do when Dad's gone!), and after that it was snack time...we had Chinese for supper, and you know how that doesn't stick to your ribs very long! So, as usual, I sat Kolton up on the counter and he "helped" me make our graham cracker and peanut butter and strawberry cream cheese snacks (he loves them...and so do I!) As we were working, I couldn't help but think about how often I take these little moments for granted. I had to stop right there and thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given me in my life. A wonderful husband and a healthy son, good food to eat, a nice home to live in...and the list goes on and on. I get to live these little moments every day, and so often I'm busy rushing around doing work, that I don't take the time to dwell on them and really, truly enjoy them! So, that's what I'm doing tonight ~ as my sweet little boy is asleep in his room, and my precious husband just called from the activity to say "I love you", I'm taking the time to dwell on and thank the Lord for the little moments that make up my wonderful life.

Friday, August 17, 2007
This and That
Unfortunately, none of my family were able to be with us on Kolton's first birthday. Of course, they couldn't be left out of the celebration, so last time we were all together, we had Kolton a "pre-birthday" party. So, he had some good practice eating cake for the real thing!
I think he loves chocolate ALMOST as much as his momma!!
My family always gives the best gifts...this bib is from my cousin Denise...and I love it ~ but I put it on Kolton backwards so I don't stain it!

Kolton's actual birthday started off with a big delivery from Gram and Pop. At first he wasn't too sure about all the balloons. He liked them from a distance ~ as long as Daddy was close by.
Then he let them get a little closer and a little closer until I had to take them away from him because he wanted to "kiss" them and I was afraid he would pop one and suck plastic down his throat!
As I said earlier, we decided against a party and took him instead to Busch Gardens for special time with Mommy and Daddy...I know you're probably thinking what our family thought, "they just wanted to go for themselves..." But, as you can tell by the look on his face, Kolton has a great time there too. He is a major people watcher ~a trait that he unfortunately got from his mother ~ I've been caught staring at people more times than I care to admit~so, he loved being strolled around watching the people go by. (You'll have to excuse the a little too up close and personal picture of myself- and cut me a little slack, it was over 100 degrees and my makeup had long melted off.)
He was tuckered out by the end of the afternoon. Don't you just love thumb suckers? They are such good babies!
On a different subject, I did get a couple new pictures of the wedding. I know I post alot of pictures of Kolton, but I'm equally proud of my husband, so I thought I'd stick one in here of him...looking all spiffy (sp????) in his tux...he's with his bro Travis.

Kolton's actual birthday started off with a big delivery from Gram and Pop. At first he wasn't too sure about all the balloons. He liked them from a distance ~ as long as Daddy was close by.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Kolton!!
I woke up this morning with a cloud of disbelief hanging over my head. My baby boy is one year old today! Even now, hours later, I still can hardly comprehend that a full year has past since he was born! I was looking through some of his old pictures, reminiscing about those days gone by, and thought I'd post a just a few of them to document his first year of life.
The days when you could hold Kolton with one hand are loooonnnnggg gone!!! I can barely tote him around with both arms and a hip :o)
It took him forever to start "beefing up", but once he did, the rolls were so cute.
He thinks he's the stuff here! He had just started pulling up at the beginning of the summer...(we went a little overboard on his beach gear !)
This is one of the most recent pictures of Kolton ~ he was much more interested in the grass than the camera!
We're off this evening to celebrate his birthday offically...since Tommy's position in the church, we opted out of having an actual birthday party (we couldn't pick and choose who to was either everyone or no one.) He's already had a pre-birthday party with my family, so we decided to just take him out for some fun with mommy and daddy, since he won't remember anything anyway...but don't worry, he still gets to dig into a birthday cake!

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Another Post!! Yea!!
Well, I know it's not as if people have been holding their breath for this post or anything, but I still feel bad for not writing anything in so long. I'm still waiting on pictures of my little cutie in his tux (I got so carried away with other things the day of the wedding - like keeping his white tux clean!! -, that I didn't take one picture of him, so I'm relying on other people to get some to me.) I do, however, have a couple from the wedding, so I thought I'd post those.
For those of you who don't know, Travis and Joanna are my brother and sister-in-law ~ They were married on August 4th. This is a picture of them the day they got engaged.
Here are some of the groomsmen with Travis about two hours before the Wendy's
Travis and Joanna after the wedding...
Leaving the church ~ they had to come back 5 minutes later because they forgot the key to their new apartment :) If you look, you can see Tommy in the background. If you look REALLY closely, you can see Kolton in his white tux...hopefully I'll get better pics than that soon!

For those of you who don't know, Travis and Joanna are my brother and sister-in-law ~ They were married on August 4th. This is a picture of them the day they got engaged.

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Still Alive and Well..
I looked at my blog today and couldn't believe it has been such a long time since I've posted anything. I mean, my life is boring, but not THAT boring :) Actually, I have been on the road for the last few weeks, and between the driving and visiting with family, I don't have time to sit down and write much of anything. Tommy's brother Travis got married last week, and Kolton wore a little white tux that matched Tommy's, so, when I get home, I'll have some really cute pics to post!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Norfolk Tides Game
I am not usually a spur of the moment type of person. I enjoy going out and doing different activities, but I like to know what we're doing at least a day ahead of time, so I can plan everything out ~ If we need tickets, I like to have them beforehand so we know where we're sitting, I like to have time to pack up everything Kolton will need, and I like to have time to make sure the house is straight and all the dishes are washed (I have this phobia that something will happen to us while we're out, and someone else will have to go into my house and sort through all my stuff, and I at least want everything to be neat and clean) ~You know what I mean; I like to be prepared! Anyway, Tuesday was NOT one of those times. We were in the middle of grilling steaks for supper, when Tommy said that since he didn't have to get up for work the next morning, we should go out and do something. I agreed wholeheartedly, thinking he wanted to go to Marshall's, or the mall, or if I was really lucky, Wal Mart (he hates going there with me!) But, no, no, he had something else in mind...he wanted to go to a Norfolk Tides game at Harbor Park ~ they're a minor leage baseball team. He loves going to their games, and I didn't want to rain on his parade, so I said that was a great idea...and it was, I just wish he had thought of it a day before so I would be ready. So, since the game started at 7:15, and it was already well after 6:00, we wolfed down our food, I left the dishes (!!!), grabbed the diaper bag and started throwing in anything I thought I would need, and ran out of the house without even stopping to look in the mirror...Needless to say, we had a great time...and I'm starting to figure out that spur of the moment adds some spice to life.
I even remembered to grab my camera...
Kolton was not quite as excited as we were...
I couldn't resist taking a picture of my handsome husband...
I even remembered to grab my camera...
Kolton was not quite as excited as we were...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Around the House

I thought I would add some updated pics of Kolton for those of you who haven't seen him in awhile. In the last few months, he has turned into quite a chunker...if you've been around him lately, you can attest to that fact. I've had to start adding weights to my workout routine at the gym just to carry him around (I'm just kidding...sort of). As I was posting these pics, I realized I need to get the camera back out, because even these are at least a month old. Anyway, there will be more to come soon...
He is such a ham...everytime I pull out the camera he starts laughing and, well, doing this. (You can't really tell, but he has six teeth)
I guess it's time...
Well, I've been putting this off, because with an 11 month old baby, finding the time to sit down and work on the comptuer is a difficult task, but now it's "Daddy and Kolton time", so I'm giving this a shot. It's been so nice catching up with old friends, and I want to join in. So let the fun begin...
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